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Examination Rules

1. The progress of the pupil is determined by means of regular tests and examinations. A report showing the result of tests and examinations, together with the statement regarding the conduct and progress of each pupil will be sent to the parents/guardians at the end of each term.

2.  The reason for absence from any examination, including class tests, should be intimated to the Principal through the class teacher within three days of such absence. . Pupils absenting themselves from any examination will not be re-examined.


3. The parents are requested to examine carefully the progress made by the student and see that the child makes special efforts to study those subjects in which he/she is weak. The progress report should be duly signed and returned within three days of receipt.


4.  Unit tests are conducted during working days. No pupil will be allowed to go home after giving the test. He/ she will have to come prepared and attend full day classes, as on  any working day.


5.  Promotion to the next class depends upon the general performance and the average marks obtained from the exams. /tests conducted during the whole year. Promotions are decided by the Principal in consultation with the staff. The minimum of 40% marks, in each subject, is required for promotion. Similarly a minimum of 75% attendance too is required to consider the result.


6.  Students who remain absent  from any examination without the permission  of the Principal will not be eligible for promotion.


7.  No pupil who fails twice in the same class will be allowed to continue in the school.


8.  Result declared at the end of the year is final in all cases and will not be reconsidered. 

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