Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi,
We, the Handmaids of Mary, inspired by our Charism, work unitedly for the spiritual and integral formation of the young, especially the marginalized and disadvantaged tribals and Dalits. Our relevant quality education promotes their holistic development forming them as mature disciplined, spiritually oriented and responsible persons capable of meeting the challenges of our pluri- cultural, multi-religious and communalistic society breaking the barriers and discrimination of caste, creed and culture, paving the way for building an inclusive, harmonious and just society thus bringing about social and societal transformation. We as true educators live the values of Jesus the great teacher, cultivate qualities of heart and mind and become God-conscious and fellow-oriented persons. We equip ourselves professionally and keep abreast with the current trends in the field of learning so as to be effective in our mission of education. We seek collaboration from the laity – staff, parents, society – and together work for achieving our goal.
Through our ministry of education, we transform the young as self – reliant, responsible and integrated persons, ready to serve God and fellow beings, open to growth and committed to the cause of justice, love, truth and communal harmony, leading them to world citizenship.